New Meruelo Media studio Center, 4975 W Pico Blvd build
The MundoFox flagship station in Los Angeles CA.
State-Of-The-Art Multi-Million Dollar Broadcasting Studios In The Heart Of Los Angeles.
KWHY, Los Angeles Center Studios build
Design, built, move and operate a 24 hour broadcast movie channel (KWHY Channel 22) from NBC Universals’ Burbank lot to a new home in the heart of the #2 DMA, Los Angeles CA.
But that was not the challenge.
The challenge in a nut shell was to a design, build, move and operate a lights out automated, multi channel TV station with no on air operations staff and live news within 29 days.
Not 29 working M-F days but 29 end to end days and do it for a very small budget.
We did it! on time and on budget!!!